1. The name of the section shall be the AMERCAN ASSOCIATION OF CANDY TECHNOLOGISTS __________________ SECTION.
  2. The headquarters of this section shall be located in ______________________.
  3. The objectives of the section shall be the same as those outlined in Article III of the Constitution of the American Association of Candy Technologists.


  1. The activities of the section are subject to the provisions of the Constitution of the American Association of Candy Technologists.
  2. The section shall not have authority to act for or in the name of the American Association of Candy Technologists and shall not incur any financial obligations in the name of the Association except when authorized by the Council of the American Association of Candy Technologists.
  3. The fiscal year for the section shall be June 1 to May 31.


  1. A member shall be a person whose training and knowledge is of special service to the practice of candy technology.
  2. Every candidate for membership in the section should be encouraged to be a member of the National Association.


The dues for members of the section and all regulations regarding payment of dues shall be decided by the Executive Committee of the Section.


  1. Officers of the section should be Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Program Chairperson, Membership Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. The section may, if it so elects, combine into one the offices of Secretary and Treasurer or establish other officers or committees as needed to perform duties of the section.
  2. The Chairperson, or in the Chairperson’s absence, the Vice-Chairperson shall:
    1. Preside at all meetings of the section and Executive Committee meetings.
    2. Superintend the official acts of the section officers to see that their respective duties are properly performed.
    3. Guard carefully against any infraction of the Association Constitution.
    4. Cause all necessary notices to be issued in proper form.
    5. See that the annual report of the section is filed with the National Secretary-Treasurer prior to the National Meeting. The annual report shall embrace a complete list of officers, number of active members, and a summary of the section’s activities during the previous fiscal year.
  3. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the section and shall, under the direction of the Chairperson, issue notices of meetings to the members.
  4. The Treasurer shall be charged with the collection and distribution of funds as authorized by the Executive Committee. At the first section meeting of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall present a financial report to the section membership.
  5. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be eligible for re-election without limitation. Other officers shall be eligible for re-election to a second term only.
  6. Officers shall be members of the National Association.


  1. There should be an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the section and the retiring Chairperson of the section and other members who would generally represent the industry in that area. The Chairperson of the section shall be the Chairperson of the Executive Committee. This Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson or at the call of the Vice-Chairperson and Secretary of the section.
  2. There may be a Program Committee to serve with the Program Chairperson. The Committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
  3. There shall be an Auditing Committee appointed by the Chairperson of the section. This Committee shall make a full audit of the Treasurer’s record books, bank deposits and withdrawals for the previous fiscal year and make report of its findings not later than during the first quarter of each fiscal year.
  4. There should be a Membership Committee to serve with the Membership Chairperson. The Committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson.
  5. There shall be a Nominating Committee consisting of three members of the section, none of whom are members of the Executive Committee, except the immediate past Chairperson. This Committee shall be appointed by the Chairperson with the approval of the Executive Committee and report to the membership one meeting prior to the election.
  6. Such other committees as may be required shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the section.


  1. There shall be at least three meetings of the section each year. The Executive Committee shall determine the date and place of meetings.
  2. The Secretary shall send a notice of each meeting to members at least three weeks in advance of such meeting.
  3. A quorum shall consist of such percent of the enrolled members of the section as its Executive Committee may decide.


  1. All officers of the section shall be elected prior to the close of the fiscal year and shall take office immediately following induction. Election shall be by a majority vote of those present at the annual meeting or by mail ballot. Immediately after the annual election, the Secretary of the section shall forward the names of the newly elected officers to the President and/or Secretary of the National AACT Association.
  2. Should a vacancy occur in any office, the Executive Committee shall fill the unexpired term.


Amendment of these by-laws may be made in accordance with ARTICLE XII of the Constitution of the Association.