This association shall be called the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CANDY TECHNOLOGISTS.


Candy technology is the application of science and engineering to the manufacturing, handling and distribution of confectionery products. A knowledge of candy technology will enable its possessor to better control and improve the entire industrial process including more efficient and economical selection of raw materials, improvement of old and development of new equipment and methods of processing resulting in the more efficient and economical development of new products and better control of candy manufacturing operations. Such knowledge will aid in solving technical problems of the industry, in determining and controlling nutritional values, health, safety, plant sanitation and in improving shelf life of the product.


The objectives of the Association shall be: to facilitate interchange of ideas among its members; to stimulate scientific investigations into technical problems dealing with the manufacture and distribution of candy; to encourage the use of the results of research in candy technology; to offer a medium for the discussion of these results; to plan, organize and administer projects for the advancement and application of science insofar as it is fundamental to a wider knowledge of candy; and to encourage candy manufacturers to employ qualified candy technologists in the direction of manufacturing, selecting, procuring and distributing operations.


  1. Active member: An active member shall be a person whose training and knowledge is of special service to the practice of candy technology or to the confectionery industry.
  2. Retired member: A person who has been an active member continuously for at least ten years, who has attained the age of 60 years, and who has retired from the candy and/or allied business, may be voted a retired member by action of the Council. A retired member shall have all rights and privileges of active membership, but shall not be required to pay dues.
  3. Student Membership:  An individual who is actively involved in a full-time course of education and interested in pursuing a career in the candy industry may be considered for student membership. Individuals may only hold student membership no longer than one year after graduation.
  4. Applications for Membership: Persons desiring to become members of the Association shall make application in such form as shall be prescribed from time to time by the Council. The applicant must agree to abide by all the rules and regulations of the Association.
  5. Membership Dues: Annual dues, as determined by the Council, are payable to the Treasurer. The fiscal year for the Association shall determined by the Council.
  6. Discontinuance of Membership may be brought about by:
    1. resignation
    2. suspension where dues are six months in arrears
    3. expulsion by a vote of two-thirds of the Council
    4. death


  1. The officers shall consist of a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers shall be elected by ballot from within the membership of the Association and inducted into office at the annual meeting for one year. Officers are eligible for re-election for a second term of one year only, excluding the Secretary and Treasurer, which may be unlimited. The duties of all officers shall be such as usually pertains to their respective offices or may be delegated to them by the Council and the additional specific duties assigned in ARTICLE VII. The Secretary may appoint an Assistant Secretary to assist with the duties of the office.
  2. The council shall consist of the officers: a minimum of six elected Councilors at Large; the Chairperson of each regional section or a designated representative; and the retiring President who shall continue as an active member of the Council for one year following the term as President. Four Councilors at Large shall be elected each year for a term of two years. The duties of office shall start at the close of the annual meeting at which the results of balloting are announced.


  1. Officers and Councilors at Large shall be chosen by ballot from a list of nominees prepared by the Committee on Nominations, with due regard to the requirement that only one member of a business firm shall be eligible to serve as an officer and also with due regard that only one member of a business firm shall be eligible to serve as a Councilor at Large during the same elective years. The Committee shall nominate candidates for each of the offices. Members actively engaged in confectionery manufacturing shall be selected as nominees for President to follow the election or re-election of a President not actively engaged in the manufacture of confections. The Committee shall also nominate four members as candidates for the office of Councilor at Large. The Chairperson of the Nominating Committee shall obtain each candidate’s acceptance of the nomination, and then prepare the official election ballot. In addition to the names of the candidates prepared by the Nominating Committee, the official ballot shall contain blank spaces and the notation that a member may “write-in” and vote for any eligible member.
  2. The Secretary or designated appointee shall have the official ballot printed and send a copy to each member in good standing, not less than seven weeks prior to the annual meeting. Each member shall be requested to vote for one candidate for each office, and to vote for four candidates as Councilors at Large. The official ballot to be counted must be returned to the Secretary no later than four weeks from the date it was mailed.
  3. The official election ballot shall not be signed or otherwise identified by the member voting. Each member shall be instructed to mark, enclose and seal the ballot in the special ballot envelope. This is to be enclosed in another envelope addressed to the Secretary; and the voting member’s name must appear in the upper left hand corner of this outer envelope to determine the member’s eligibility to vote. Ballots not conforming to this procedure shall be invalid and rejected.
  4. The candidate receiving the largest number of votes for each office shall be declared elected.


  1. The Council shall determine the policies of the Association and direct the affairs of the Association. The Council shall fix the dates and places of annual meetings, establish rules and order of business, shall fill any vacancy among the Officers or among the Councilors at Large, for the unexpired terms. The Council shall establish standards of requirements for membership.
  2. The Council shall review the constitution and regional by-laws at a minimum of every ten (10) years or more often as deemed necessary by the Council.
  3. The Council shall administer the finances of the Association, and may negotiate agreements with individuals, institutions, or other societies. The Council shall fix the amount of annual dues and assessments. It shall fix the amount of Bond pertaining to any Officer or Councilor under the Bond.
  4. The Council shall empower the President, Secretary, Treasurer or designated appointee who has been authorized by the President to make contracts and expenditures for goods, investments and services required by the Association.
  5. Specific additional duties of the President, First Vice President and Second Vice President shall be as hereinafter itemized:
    1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the National AACT and the National Council of the AACT; shall represent the AACT to other associations, and be an ex officio member of all committees of the National AACT and the National Council of the AACT; shall attempt to attend at least one meeting during his/her tenure of each local section (travel assistance may be subsidized by the organization if agreed by the Council and only as the budget allows) ; shall supervise the affairs of the AACT between meetings, see that directives of the National Council of the AACT are carried out by the appropriate officials.
    2. First Vice President: The First Vice President shall preside at all appropriate meetings in the absence of the President; shall be Chairperson of the Permanent Program Committee of the AACT.
    3. Second Vice President: The Second Vice President’s major concern other that the normal duties pertaining to this office shall be the promotion of National AACT membership.


  1. Committee on Nominations: The President shall appoint a Committee on Nominations of at least three members.
  2. Committee on Arrangements: The President shall be empowered, when the need arises, to appoint a Committee on Arrangements for the annual meeting.
  3. Audit Committee: The President shall appoint an Audit Committee of at least two National AACT Council members to determine the auditing practices to insure the finances of the organization are appropriately managed.  The committee will audit the Association’s books and present an audit report at the regular annual meeting of the National AACT; audit should take place at the direction of the Council.
  4. The President shall be empowered by the Council to appoint such additional committees as are necessary for the best interest of the Association.
  5. The President shall appoint a chairperson of the Stroud Jordan Award Committee, whose task it shall be to find a suitable candidate to receive the award each year.


  1. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
  2. Six members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Council. When at the discretion of the President, the Council shall transact business by mail, email, or phone conference, a reply or attendance of three-fourths of the Council shall constitute a quorum, provided that a period of 20 days shall be allowed for participation by the Council.


  1. Annual Meeting: Once each calendar year there shall be a meeting of the Association for the presentation of papers and the transaction of business. This meeting shall be known as the annual meeting; the Council shall decide the time and place of the annual meeting.
  2. The President, First Vice President and the Secretary shall be authorized to call special meetings at convenient times and places for the Association or for groups of members with common problems and interests, or with other groups having similar interests.
  3. To the degree possible, the use of trade and company names shall not be used in written material or papers presented at meetings or distributed to members.
  4. The order of business for annual and special meetings shall be determined by the President acting for the Council; and these rules shall not conflict with the provisions of this Constitution.
  5. Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern deliberations of this Association.


  1. The Council is empowered to grant authority in the form of a charter, to organizations of members of the Association residing in the same geographical district for the establishment of a Regional Section of the Association when such organization of members shall petition the Council for authority to designate itself a Regional Section of the Association and the Council shall have ascertained that the conditions prescribed in this Article for such authorization have been met, and further that the petitioning organization of members will agree to conduct its affairs in the manner hereinafter set forth.
  2. The region in which members may form sections shall be defined as any reasonable geographic region in which ten or more members of the Association reside.
  3. Authority for the establishment of a Regional Section shall be withheld unless the petitioning organization of members shall have held at least three stated meetings during the proceeding year and, provided further that the officers and a majority of the member petitioning organization shall have been members of the Association in good standing for a minimum of one year.
  4. When any Regional Section shall cease to function as a section of the Association for a period of more than one year, or if it shall hold less than three meetings per year, or if its membership shall be less than ten members of the Association for one year, the Council may terminate the charter of such Regional Section.
  5. The Council may grant a charter from the Association if the conditions in this Article of the Constitution have been met, and if the members of the petitioning organization signify by their signatures that they agree to adopt and abide by the Regional Section By-Laws appearing herein.


Amendments to the Constitution, including the Regional Section By-Laws contained herein, must be approved by the Council and then mailed to all members for ratification. Votes thereon shall be returned to the Secretary or Treasurer within thirty days of the date of mailing in order to be counted. If the proposed amendment receives three-fourths majority approval of those voting, it shall be considered carried.